Springer Nature
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MOESM5 of Mutations that prevent or mimic persistent post-translational modifications of the histone H3 globular domain cause lethality and growth defects in Drosophila

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posted on 2016-02-29, 05:00 authored by Hillary Graves, Pingping Wang, Matthew Lagarde, Zhihong Chen, Jessica Tyler
Additional file 5: Figure S5. Developmental signaling pathways are not derepressed within cells that have mutations which prevent/mimic globular domain histone H3 modifications. A-N) Wing imaginal discs with GFP negative mutant clones generated using Ubx-FLP. Merged images show the nuclear marker DAPI in blue, Ubx in magenta, and GFP+ and GFP- regions demarcate histone wild type cells and histone mutant cells, respectively. Grayscale images are the individual Ubx channels. Note that Ubx is expressed in the peripodial membrane of wing discs, tracheal cells that are accidently attached to the wing discs, as well as in leg discs, allowing for a positive control for the staining.


National Institutes of Health
