Springer Nature

MOESM3 of Skeletal light-scattering accelerates bleaching response in reef-building corals

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posted on 2016-03-21, 05:00 authored by Timothy Swain, Emily DuBois, Andrew Gomes, Valentina Stoyneva, Andrew Radosevich, Jillian Henss, Michelle Wagner, Justin Derbas, Hannah Grooms, Elizabeth Velazquez, Joshua Traub, Brian Kennedy, Arabela Grigorescu, Mark Westneat, Kevin Sanborn, Shoshana Levine, Mark Schick, George Parsons, Brendan Biggs, Jeremy Rogers, Vadim Backman, Luisa Marcelino
Additional file 3: Figure S3. $$ \mu ^{\prime}_{{S,m}} $$ μ S , m ′ and temperature- and light-induced bleaching response. $$ \mu ^{\prime}_{{S,m}} $$ μ S , m ′ -specific temporal rate of F v /F m change (ΔPE ∼ Δ2(F V /F M )/(ΔtΔI)) after stress-initiation is expressed as (a) the difference between CT and HT conditions (Eq. 3) for corals exposed to HL (filled circles; p = 0.22) and CL (open circles; p = 0.44), isolating the effect of temperature on bleaching response, and (b) ΔPE for HL and HT conditions (p = 0.07), where both temperature- and light-dependent bleaching response is evaluated. Although $$ \mu ^{\prime}_{{S,m}} $$ μ S , m ′ predicts light-dependent bleaching (r2 = 62.3 and p = 0.007, Fig. 1g), it is a weak predictor of temperature-dependent bleaching and light- and temperature-dependent bleaching.


National Science Foundation (US)
