Springer Nature

Additional file 7: of The association of genomic lesions and PD-1/PD-L1 expression in resected triple-negative breast cancers

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posted on 2018-07-11, 05:00 authored by Michael Barrett, Elizabeth Lenkiewicz, Smriti Malasi, Anamika Basu, Jennifer Yearley, Lakshmanan Annamalai, Ann McCullough, Heidi Kosiorek, Pooja Narang, Melissa Wilson Sayres, Meixuan Chen, Karen Anderson, Barbara Pockaj
Figure S7. TNBC with JAK1 homozygous deletion. A) DNA content histogram of flow-sorted TNBC-51. B) Whole genome CNV profile of 3.5 N aneuploid TNBC-51 genome. C) Homozygous deletion at 1p31.3 includes the JAK1 locus. Red shaded area denotes ADM2-defined CNV interval. Abbreviations: CNV copy number variant, TNBC triple-negative breast cancer. (PPTX 226 kb)


Desert Mountain Member’s C.A.R.E. (Cancer Awareness through Research and Education), Carefree AZ.
