Springer Nature

Additional file 7: Figure S4. of Depletion of yeast PDK1 orthologs triggers a stress-like transcriptional response

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posted on 2015-09-21, 05:00 authored by Daniel Pastor-Flores, Jofre Ferrer-Dalmau, Anna Bahí, Martí Boleda, Ricardo Biondi, Antonio Casamayor
Analysis of the genes up-regulated by heat shock in a Pkh-dependent manner. A: Cluster analysis of the expression profiles of the sub-set of 52 genes that whose expression was up-regulated upon heat stress in a Pkh-dependent manner that were found already up-regulated in SDP8 cells treated with doxycycline for 24 h (“Depletion of Pkh”). Data was hierarchically clustered (complete linkage clustering, uncentered correlation) by means of the Gene Cluster (v. 2.11) software [57] and visualized with Java TreeView (v 3.0) [58]. B: Cluster analysis, performed as in A, but with the sub-set of 91 genes whose expression was also up-regulated upon heat stress in a Pkh-dependent manner but that were not found up-regulated in SDP8 cells treated with doxycycline for 24 h (“Depletion of Pkh”). (PPTX 79 kb)


Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain and ERDF
