Springer Nature

Additional file 6: Figure S6. of Laminin 521 maintains differentiation potential of mouse and human satellite cell-derived myoblasts during long-term culture expansion

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posted on 2016-12-13, 05:00 authored by Christopher Penton, Vasudeo Badarinarayana, Joy Prisco, Elaine Powers, Mark Pincus, Ronald Allen, Paul August
Cell counts for freshly isolated and expanded myoblasts reveal similar cell adherence across all matrices. (A) Cell counts from freshly isolated Dba, BL6, and BL10 cells 5 days post isolation show similar cell adherence on all matrices. (B) Cell counts for Dba, BL6, and BL10 myoblasts after passage 8 (8 h post plating) reveal similar cell adherence on all matrices following long-term culture. N = 3 biological replicates (1 each for BL6, Bl10, and Dba). Differences were not found to be statistically different by one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni correction. Mean column includes standard deviation values.


Muscular Dystrophy Association
