Springer Nature
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Additional file 5: of Acanthamoeba containing endosymbiotic chlamydia isolated from hospital environments and its potential role in inflammatory exacerbation

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posted on 2016-12-15, 05:00 authored by Tatsuya Fukumoto, Junji Matsuo, Torahiko Okubo, Shinji Nakamura, Kentaro Miyamoto, Kentaro Oka, Motomichi Takahashi, Kouji Akizawa, Hitoshi Shibuya, Chikara Shimizu, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi
Comparative genomic features of Protochlamydia W-9 (BCPZ01000001-BCPZ01000402) and Protochlamydia R18 [20] aligned on a representative chlamydiae, Protochlamydia UWE25 [2]. Cicles 1 and 2 show the aligned genomic identity of Protochlamydia W-9 and Protochlamydia R18, respectively. * indicates lacking the genes encoding type IV secretion system. (PPTX 438 kb)


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
