Springer Nature
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Additional file 5 of Proteome-wide identification of arginine methylation in colorectal cancer tissues from patients

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posted on 2020-05-20, 03:51 authored by Yongchul Lim, Ju Yeon Lee, Su Jin Ha, Suyeun Yu, Jung Kyong Shin, Hee Cheol Kim
Additional file 5:Figure S1. Venn diagram showing overlaps of monomethylated and asymmetric dimethylated proteins between CRC tissues and HCT116 cells. Overlap between proteins identified by (A) MMA and (B) ADMA antibodies using protein extracts from CRC tissues and HCT116 cells. The Venn diagram was generated using online program VENNY (http://bioinfogp.cnb.csic.es/tools/venny/ index.html).


National Research Foundation of Korea Korea Basic Science Institute
