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Additional file 2 of Disruption of hypoxia-inducible fatty acid binding protein 7 induces beige fat-like differentiation and thermogenesis in breast cancer cells

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posted on 2020-07-06, 04:26 authored by Masahiro Kawashima, Karim Bensaad, Christos E. Zois, Alessandro Barberis, Esther Bridges, Simon Wigfield, Christoffer Lagerholm, Ruslan I. Dmitriev, Mariko Tokiwa, Masakazu Toi, Dmitri B. Papkovsky, Francesca M. Buffa, Adrian L. Harris
Additional file 2: Figure S2. Blocking peptide confirmed specificity of the anti-UCP1 antibody. a Western blot using the anti-UCP1 antibody with (left) and without addition of UCP1 peptide (right). b Immunofluorescence of FABP7 knockdown cells with (left) and without addition of UCP1 peptide (right). UCP1 and nuclei were stained with green and blue, respectively. Scale bars; 20 μm.


Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK (GB) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Science Foundation Ireland Breast Cancer Research Foundation
