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Additional file 2 of Construction of à la carte QconCAT protein standards for multiplexed quantification of user-specified target proteins

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posted on 2021-09-09, 03:30 authored by James Johnson, Victoria M. Harman, Catarina Franco, Edward Emmott, Nichola Rockliffe, Yaqi Sun, Lu-Ning Liu, Ayako Takemori, Nobuaki Takemori, Robert J. Beynon
Additional file 2: Table 1. Proteins/peptides used in ALACAT B. Figure S1. Extracted ion chromatogram and peptide coverage map for short ALACAT 301. Figure S2. Extracted ion chromatogram and peptide coverage map for short ALACAT 302. Figure S3. Extracted ion chromatogram and peptide coverage map for short ALACAT 301. Figure S4. Extracted ion chromatogram and peptide coverage map for short ALACAT 304. Figure S5. Extracted ion chromatogram and peptide coverage map for short ALACAT 305. Figure S6. Extracted ion chromatogram and peptide coverage map for long ALACAT B. Figure S7. Wheat germ proteins present in purified QconCATs. Figure S8. Uncropped SDS-PAGE images.


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Royal Society
