Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Hepatitis B virus strains from Rwandan blood donors are genetically similar and form one clade within subgenotype A1

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posted on 2017-01-06, 05:00 authored by Theogene Twagirumugabe, Gatare Swaibu, Timothy Walker, Magnus Lindh, Jean Gahutu, Tomas BergstrĂśm, HelĂŠne Norder
Phylogenetic tree of the small S-gene encoding for HBsAg of 527 strains. The branch with 52 of the 58 A1 strains from this study and additional 7 strains from Rwanda and 13 strains from other African countries is enlarged. The strains sequenced in this study are shown in red. Strains obtained from GenBank are given with accession number and country of origin at the nodes. Strains with an 18 amino acid deletion in preS2 are marked with a red arrowhead at the nodes. (PPTX 93 kb)


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
