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Additional file 1 of Swd2/Cps35 determines H3K4 tri-methylation via interactions with Set1 and Rad6

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posted on 2024-05-04, 03:45 authored by Junsoo Oh, Shinae Park, Jueun Kim, Soojin Yeom, Ji Min Lee, Eun-Jin Lee, Yong-Joon Cho, Jung-Shin Lee
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Determination of H2B ubiquitination on transcribed gene. a The heatmaps represent the occupancy of H2B and H2BK123 ubiquitination around the TSSs (Transcription start sites; ±1500bp) of total protein coding genes (n = 6020). b-e Metagenes show the average distribution of b-c H2B or d-e H2Bub around the TSS (±1,500bp) in WT strain. Fig. S2. Significant levels of Set1 occupy the 5ʹ region of transcribed genes in the absence of RAD6. a The scatter plot represents the normalized Set1 occupancy near TSSs (from -100bps to +300bps of TSSs) of total protein coding genes (n = 6020) in WT and Δrad6 strains. To calculate the normalized Set1 occupancy near TSSs, after The RPKM values of Set1 ChIP-seq mapped near TSSs (from -100bps to +300bps of TSSs) in WT, Δrad6 and Δset1 strains had been calculated, the values of Δset1 strains have been subtracted from the Wildtype and ∆rad6 strains. b The heatmaps represent the occupancy of Sen1 and Set1 around the TSSs (Transcription start sites; ±1500bp) of total protein coding genes (n = 6,020). c The IGV tracks show the enrichments of Sen1 in WT strain, and Set1 in WT, Δset1 and Sen1over WT strains at three representative genes, PMA1, PYK1 and YEF3. Fig. S3. Set1 redistributes Swd2 within transcribed genes to the 5ʹ region. The heatmaps show the occupancy of Swd2-6HA in Δset1 strain, and three CPF complex components, Cft1, Pap1 and Ref2 in wildtype strain around the transcription start sites (±1500bp of TSSs).


National Research Foundation of Korea Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea


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