Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Classical BSE dismissed as the cause of CWD in Norwegian red deer despite strain similarities between both prion agents

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posted on 2024-05-16, 03:41 authored by Alba Marín-Moreno, Sylvie L. Benestad, Tomas Barrio, Laura Pirisinu, Juan Carlos Espinosa, Linh Tran, Alvina Huor, Michele Angelo Di Bari, Hasier Eraña, Ben C. Maddison, Claudia D’Agostino, Natalia Fernández-Borges, Sara Canoyra, Nuria Jerez-Garrido, Joaquín Castilla, John Spiropoulos, Keith Bishop, Kevin C. Gough, Romolo Nonno, Jorn Våge, Olivier Andréoletti, Juan María Torres
Additional file 1. PMCA amplification in perfused bovine brain homogenate. PrPres profile of different BSE-C adapted seeds (pig, human, cattle, red deer and sheep), CWD cases from different cervid species, including red deer, and non-infected deer samples in 10% perfused bovine brain homogenate. Amplified samples from round 3 were digested with 50 µg/mL of proteinase K (PK) and analyzed by WB using the Sha31 mAb. None of the presumable CWD samples or negative controls were able to be amplified. Protein standards are indicated as “M” (40, 30 and 20 kDa).


International coordination of research on infectious animal diseases (ICRAD) Norwegian Veterinary Institute EU-CWD Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Istituto Superiore di Sanita Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)
