Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Acute cholangitis in intensive care units: clinical, biological, microbiological spectrum and risk factors for mortality: a multicenter study

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posted on 2021-02-07, 15:02 authored by Jean-Rémi Lavillegrand, Emmanuelle Mercier-Des-Rochettes, Elodie Baron, Frédéric Pène, Damien Contou, Raphael Favory, Sébastien Préau, Arnaud Galbois, Chloé Molliere, Arnaud-Félix Miailhe, Jean Reignier, Mehran Monchi, Claire Pichereau, Sara Thietart, Thibault Vieille, Gael Piton, Gabriel Preda, Idriss Abdallah, Marine Camus, Eric Maury, Bertrand Guidet, Guillaume Dumas, Hafid Ait-Oufella
Additional file 1. Flow chart. Additional file 2. Number of patients with AC included in each center. Additional file 3. Variables associated with EBSL infection. Additional file 4. AC-associated mortality in participating centers. Crude mortality rate by center (left) and distribution of center effects on mortality rate (right) adjusted on individual confounders. Centers are sorted by study size. Black squares represent adjusted center effects on the mean mortality risk as odds ratio (OR) (comparison of each center to a theoretical average reference center with OR = 1).
