Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Absolute quantitation of human wild-type DNAI1 protein in lung tissue using a nanoLC-PRM-MS-based targeted proteomics approach coupled with immunoprecipitation

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posted on 2024-02-05, 05:00 authored by Hui Wang, Xiaoyan Ni, Nicholas Clark, Kristen Randall, Lianne Boeglin, Sudha Chivukula, Caroline Woo, Frank DeRosa, Gang Sun
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Peptide mapping for recombinant human DNAI1 protein with trypsin/LysC digestion. Fig. S2. IP-MS analysis for human DNAI1 spiking in mouse lung matrix (A) and mouse lung matrix only (B). 1, hDNAI1 peptide AHIFDLAINK, 2, hDNAI1 peptide HSDPVWQVK. Fig. S3. Venn diagrams of protein ID numbers after IP-MS using Pierce IP, TER-1, Buffer A lysis buffer as IP loading buffer. Fig. S4. LOD (A) and LLOQ (B) of IP-MS assay for human DNAI1 in mouse lung matrix. 1, endogenous peptide AHIFDLAINK; 2, isotope labeled peptide AHIFDLAINK^.
