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Metadata record for the manuscript: Multi-omics analysis of serial samples from metastatic TNBC patients on PARP inhibitor monotherapy provide insight into rational therapy combinations

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posted on 2021-09-24, 11:36 authored by Marilyne Labrie, Allen Li, Allison Creason, Courtney Betts, Jamie Keck, Brett Johnson, Shamilene Sivagnanam, Christopher Boniface, Hongli Ma, Aurora Blucher, Young Hwan Chang, Koei Chin, Jacqueline Vuky, Alexander R. Guimaraes, Molly Downey, Lina Gao, Kiara Siex, Swapnil Parmar, Annette Kolodzie, Paul T Spellman, Jeremy Goecks, Lisa M. Coussens, Christopher L. Corless, Raymond Bergan, Joe W. Gray, Gordon B. Mills, Zahi I. Mitri


This metadata record provides details of the data supporting the claims of the related manuscript: “Multi-omics analysis of serial samples from metastatic TNBC patients on PARP inhibitor monotherapy provide insight into rational therapy combinations”.

The related study evaluated the feasibility of real-time deep analysis of serial tumour samples from triple negative breast cancer patients to identify mechanisms of resistance and treatment opportunities as they emerge under therapeutic stress engendered by poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors (PARPi).

Type of data: real-time deep analysis of serial tumor samples from triple negative breast cancer patients

Subject of data: Homo sapiens

Sample size: 3

Population characteristics: Eligibility criteria included biopsy proven metastatic triple negative breast cancer, ECOG PS ≤2, received ≤2 chemotherapeutic agents in the metastatic setting. Patients with prior PARP inhibtior or immune checkpoint blockade exposure in the metastatic setting were excluded.

Recruitment: Patients for this study were enrolled at Oregon Health and Science University Center for Health and Healing and Community Hematology and Oncology clinics.

Trial registration number: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03544125

Data access

The raw DNA sequencing data generated during the current study, are available in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) at the following accession: https://identifiers.org/ena.embl:EGAS00001005479. As these files are controlled access, researchers must request access to the ENA data. The repository also includes clinical and phenotypic metadata and molecular data (including protein expression). The reverse phase protein array data (protein expression data), are also available via ENA.

HER2 immunohistochemistry data, Intracellular Signaling Protein Panel assay data, and data from the GeneTrails Solid Tumor Panel assay, are not publicly available, but will be made available on reasonable request. Please contact the Knight Diagnostic Laboratories at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), email: KDLClientServices@ohsu.edu, for more information on these datasets.

Corresponding author(s) for this study

Zahi I. Mitri, MD, MS; Oregon Health & Science University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. Mail Code: OC14HO, Portland, OR 97239. E-mail: mitri@ohsu.edu.

Marilyne Labrie, PhD; Oregon Health & Science University, 2720 S Moody Avenue: Mailcode: KR-PM, Portland, OR 97201. E-mail: labriem@ohsu.edu.

Study approval

OHSU Institutional Review Board


Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance and Ruth and Steve Anderson, in honor of Shae Anderson Gerlinger. [Labrie] U2C-CA233280 [Creason] NCI grant U54CA209988 and U2CCA233280. [Chang] R01 DK117459-01, 1 U2C-CA23380-01, The V Foundation for Cancer Research T2015-004. [Guimaraes] NIH U24CA210957, U01CA195469, P30CA069533, U01CA199315, U01CA232819, R01CA248383, R01, U01, DOD BC151431P1, Knight Cancer Institute [Spellman] U24-CA231877, U2C-CA233280. [Goecks] DOD PC190174 and PC141395, Veterans Administration Merit Award IBX002842A, NIH R01GM086688 and P30 CA69533, Prospect Creek Foundation. [Bergan] NIH/NCI U2C CA233280; NIH/NCI U54 CA209988; NIH U54 HG008100; NIH/NCI P30 CA69533; Brenden Colson; PDX Pharmaceuticals, LLC/NCI SRA-14-040 (R44, N43-CO-2013-00078); NIH U01 CA195469, Harvard University Subaward; Susan G. Komen Foundation SAC110012. [Gray]


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