Springer Nature
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MOESM3 of Wound healing of human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells is affected by maturation stage

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posted on 2018-07-31, 05:00 authored by Amna Abu Khamidakh, Alejandra Rodriguez-Martinez, Kai Kaarniranta, Anne Kallioniemi, Heli Skottman, Jari Hyttinen, Kati Juuti-Uusitalo
Additional file 3: Video S2. The video corresponds Fig. 7C, D. Calcium wave in hESC-RPE monolayer (28d + 7d) followed for 300 s after mechanical stimulation. Prior the stimulation hESC-RPEs were loaded with fluorescent Ca2+ sensitive dye Fluo-4 AM that reflects [Ca2+]i concentration in the cytoplasm. The site of mechanical stimulation is marked with white an arrow. Mechanical stimulation of a single cell in a hESC-RPE monolayer resulted in a [Ca2+]i increase, seen as an increase in fluorescent signal, in the stimulated cell that propagates in a wave-like manner to neighbouring cells.


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