posted on 2020-11-18, 04:32authored byAnne-Eva van der Wijk, Theodosia Georgakopoulou, Jisca Majolée, Jan S. M. van Bezu, Miesje M. van der Stoel, Bert J. van het Hof, Helga E. de Vries, Stephan Huveneers, Peter L. Hordijk, Erik N. T. P. Bakker, Ed van Bavel
Additional file 5:Video 1. Live cell imaging showing microsphere uptake by HUVECs. HUVECs were transduced with lentiviral LifeAct (green) to visualize the cytoskeleton and images were taken every 2 min over 8 h in xy. Left panel: LifeAct (green) and a 15 µm microsphere (white; coming in from the left) and fibrin clot (white; coming in from the right). Right panel: only LifeAct signal in grey. The endothelium generates protrusions and a F-actin rich cup structure surrounding the microsphere, occurring after ± 4 h after microsphere addition (red arrow indicates the endothelial cup)