Springer Nature
12936_2016_1602_MOESM8_ESM.docx (13.24 kB)

MOESM8 of Time series analysis of malaria in Afghanistan: using ARIMA models to predict future trends in incidence

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-11-22, 05:00 authored by Mohammad Anwar, Joseph Lewnard, Sunil Parikh, Virginia Pitzer
Additional file 8: Annex 3. Approximate estimation of malaria suspects expected up to December 2016, based on Model 2 with 2-Lag Vegetation. This estimate may be taken with following considerations: 1- Assuming linear trend of malaria stays the same as the Model predict. 2- Incidences not reported to the system remain small or negligible. The numbers calculated are incidence rate per 10 000 of service users in the country
