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MOESM4 of Lipid production in association of filamentous fungi with genetically modified cyanobacterial cells

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-11-05, 05:00 authored by Ana Miranda, Mohamed Taha, Digby Wrede, Paul Morrison, Andrew Ball, Trevor Stevenson, Aidyn Mouradov
Additional file 4: Figure S3. Biomass production and lipid yields of A. fumigatus growing on different carbon sources. A. fumigatus/NEC: A. fumigatus grown on FGB with no extra carbon source; A. fumigatus/GLU: A. fumigatus grown on FGB with 20% glucose; A. fumigatus/TWS: A. fumigatus grown on FGB with 1% TWS. Significance levels: *) p<0.05; **) p<0.01.


The College of Science, Engineering and Health and the School of Applied Sciences of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University.
