Springer Nature
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MOESM3 of Transcription and chromatin determinants of de novo DNA methylation timing in oocytes

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-05-12, 05:00 authored by Lenka Gahurova, Shin-ichi Tomizawa, Sébastien Smallwood, Kathleen Stewart-Morgan, Heba Saadeh, Jeesun Kim, Simon Andrews, Taiping Chen, Gavin Kelsey
Additional file 3: Figure S1. Progression of DNA methylation at transposable elements (TEs) during oocyte growth, complements Fig. 1. Figure S2: Methylation parameters in 60–65 µm oocytes, including comparison of PBAT and RRBS data sets. Figure S3. PCA plots for oocyte mRNA-seq libraries. Figure S4. Differentially expressed genes between consecutive oocyte size populations. Figure S5. GO analysis of genes up-regulated >50-fold between e18.5 and GV oocytes. Figure S6. Graph showing expression levels over oocyte growth of transcripts for Dnmts, Kdm1s and Kdm5s, and SetD2. Figure S7. Methylation level of intragenic CGIs in RRBS datasets in relation to expression level of the corresponding gene. Figure S8. MEME output of search for motifs enriched in late-methylated CGIs.


Medical Research Council
