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MOESM3 of MicroDAIMON study: Microcirculatory DAIly MONitoring in critically ill patients: a prospective observational study

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-05-15, 05:00 authored by Claudia Scorcella, Elisa Damiani, Roberta Domizi, Silvia Pierantozzi, Stefania Tondi, Andrea Carsetti, Silvia Ciucani, Valentina Monaldi, Mara Rogani, Benedetto Marini, Erica Adrario, Rocco Romano, Can Ince, E. Boerma, Abele Donati
Additional file 3. Comparison between 90-day survivors and non-survivors. The table illustrates the results of the univariable analysis for baseline clinical and microcirculatory variables between 90-day survivors and non-survivors.
