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MOESM2 of Increased epicardial adipose tissue thickness is a predictor of new-onset diabetes mellitus in patients with coronary artery disease treated with high-intensity statins

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-01-11, 05:00 authored by Jeehoon Kang, Young-Chan Kim, Jin Park, Sehun Kim, Si-Hyuck Kang, Young Cho, Yeonyee Yoon, Il-Young Oh, Chang-Hwan Yoon, Jung-Won Suh, Young-Seok Cho, Tae-Jin Youn, In-Ho Chae, Dong-Ju Choi
Additional file 2: Table S1. Changes in glucose tolerance status. Table S2. Baseline clinical characteristics of the total population, grouped by progression of glucose intolerance. Table S3. Multivariate analysis for progression in impairment of glucose tolerance.
