Springer Nature
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MOESM1 of The role of early detection and treatment in malaria elimination

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-07-15, 05:00 authored by Jordi Landier, Daniel Parker, Aung Thu, Verena Carrara, Khin Lwin, Craig Bonnington, Sasithon Pukrittayakamee, Gilles Delmas, Franรงois Nosten
Additional file 1. Supply list for opening a new malaria post, following the example of a 200-inhabitant community within METF programme. METF is operating in Eastern Myanmar, which is characterized by seasonal malaria with both P. falciparum and P. vivax parasites. In METF, MP use of consumables is assessed every week so that it can be restocked appropriately. MP data are checked and collected weekly by a supervisor, who then transmits using an SMS-based data reporting system where a phone-network service is available [18]. Quantity and type of supplies should be adapted to each setting according to malaria incidence rate and supply chain constraints, and following national malaria control programme guidelines and international recommendations. For example, RDT can be any RDT in the recommended procurement list of the WHO/GMP.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
