Springer Nature
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MOESM1 of Long-term health-related quality of life of critically ill patients with haematological malignancies: a prospective observational multicenter study

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-05, 05:00 authored by Franck Ehooman, Lucie Biard, Virginie Lemiale, Damien Contou, Nicolas Prost, Djamel Mokart, FrÊdÊric Pène, Achille Kouatchet, Julien Mayaux, Alexandre Demoule, François Vincent, Martine Nyunga, Fabrice Bruneel, Antoine Rabbat, Christine Lebert, Pierre Perez, Anne-Pascale Meert, Dominique Benoit, Rebecca Hamidfar, Michael Darmon, Elie Azoulay, Lara Zafrani
Additional file 1. Tables and figures.


French Ministry of Health
