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Additional file 9: of Satellite cells maintain regenerative capacity but fail to repair disease-associated muscle damage in mice with Pompe disease

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-11-07, 05:00 authored by Gerben Schaaf, Tom van Gestel, Stijn in ‘t Groen, Bart de Jong, Björn Boomaars, Antonietta Tarallo, Monica Cardone, Giancarlo Parenti, Ans van der Ploeg, W. Pijnappel
Figure S9. Efficient regeneration of GAAKO-muscle after cardiotoxin-induced injury in GAA-deficient animals on a C57/Bl6 background. The figure shows histological sections from TA HE-stained sections from 12 and 48 week old WT(Bl6) and Gaa−/− (Bl6) animals at indicated time points after injury uisng cardiotoxin (CTX)-injection. The upper panels show HE-stained sections from QF muscle, while the middle panels show images from regenerating GAS. The lower panels depict regenerating QF from 11 months old WT(Bl6) and Gaa−/− (Bl6) animals. These data demonstrate that the capacity to regenerate after experimental injury is also maintained in GAA-deficient muscle on a C57/Bl6 background. (PDF 386 kb)


Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds
