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Additional file 9 of Response and oil degradation activities of a northeast Atlantic bacterial community to biogenic and synthetic surfactants

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-22, 03:27 authored by Christina N. Nikolova, Umer Zeeshan Ijaz, Clayton Magill, Sara Kleindienst, Samantha B. Joye, Tony Gutierrez
Additional file 8: Supplementary Figure S5. Heatmap showing the scaled log abundance (color key on top left) of aliphatic and aromatic degradation, and biosurfactant synthesis pathways. Pathways are shown along the y-axis and BEWAF (seawater, crude oil, and biosurfactant), CEWAF (seawater, crude oil, and synthetic dispersant), and WAF (seawater and crude oil only) samples along the x-axis. The two color-coded bars on top of the heatmap indicate their treatments and incubation days status. Hierarchical clustering of the samples (top) is based on the correlation between samples’ predicted gene expression.


Natural Environment Research Council German Research Foundation
