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Additional file 9: of Modeling hormonal and inflammatory contributions to preterm and term labor using uterine temporal transcriptomics

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-06-13, 05:00 authored by Roberta Migale, David MacIntyre, Stefano Cacciatore, Yun Lee, Henrik Hagberg, Bronwen Herbert, Mark Johnson, Donald Peebles, Simon Waddington, Phillip Bennett
Canonical Pathway enrichment by IPA®. DEGs as detected in the following pairwise comparisons were analyzed by IPA to identify canonical pathways highly represented within each comparison: 2 h LPS vs 6 h LPS, 2 h LPS vs LABLPS, 6 h RU486 vs 18 h RU486, 6 h RU486 vs LABRU486, 18 h vs LABRU486, E16 vs E18, E16 vs term labor (LAB), and E18 vs LAB. Hierarchical clustering of significantly enriched pathways based on their activation Z-score was used to assess for similarity in enrichment profiles between different models. Activation Z-score > |2|, P < 0.05. (PDF 196 kb)


Wellcome Trust
