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Additional file 8 of SRSF1-dependent inhibition of C9ORF72-repeat RNA nuclear export: genome-wide mechanisms for neuroprotection in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-11, 03:34 authored by Lydia M. Castelli, Luisa Cutillo, Cleide Dos Santos Souza, Alvaro Sanchez-Martinez, Ilaria Granata, Ya-Hui Lin, Monika A. Myszczynska, Paul R. Heath, Matthew R. Livesey, Ke Ning, Mimoun Azzouz, Pamela J. Shaw, Mario R. Guarracino, Alexander J. Whitworth, Laura Ferraiuolo, Marta Milo, Guillaume M. Hautbergue
Additional file 8 : Supplementary Figure 1. Downregulation of mitosis/ cell proliferation/ cancer makers and upregulation of neuronal-related functions in healthy neurons with partial depletion of SRSF1. (A) Heatmap representing the computed fold changes for the healthy-treated neurons group. Red labels down-regulated transcripts while green depicts upregulated transcripts. (B) Heatmap representing the computed fold changes for the healthy-treated neurons group. Red labels down-regulated transcripts while green depicts upregulated transcripts. (C) Heatmap representing the computed fold changes for the healthy-treated neurons group. Red labels down-regulated transcripts while green depicts upregulated transcripts.


Motor Neurone Disease Association Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Medical Research Council Royal Society International Research and Exchanges grant Fondation Thierry Latran Academy of Medical Sciences Springboard Award H2020 European Research Council Alzheimer's Research UK NIHR Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre
