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Additional file 8 of Integrative genomics of the mammalian alveolar macrophage response to intracellular mycobacteria

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-13, 03:34 authored by Thomas J. Hall, Michael P. Mullen, Gillian P. McHugoGillian P. McHugo, Kate E. Killick, Siobhán C. Ring, Donagh P. Berry, Carolina N. Correia, John A. Browne, Stephen V. Gordon, David E. MacHugh
Additional file 8: S1 Fig. Principal component analysis (PCA) plots for individual animal bAM gene expression data at a 2 hpi, b 6 hpi, c 24 hpi, and d 48 hpi. S2 Fig. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment for functional modules identified from the differential co-expression correlation network generated from M. bovis-infected bAM gene expression at 24 hpi. S3 Fig. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment for functional modules identified from the differential co-expression correlation network generated from M. bovis-infected bAM gene expression at 48 hpi. S4 Fig. Venn diagram illustrating the overlaps for the three 24 hpi input gene sets used for integration with cattle GWAS data sets. S5 Fig. Venn diagram illustrating the overlaps for the three 48 hpi input gene sets used for integration with cattle GWAS data sets. RNA-seq statistics and results for this study are available at the Dryad Digital Repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.83bk3j9q6 .


Science Foundation Ireland (IE) Science Foundation Ireland Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine FP7 Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Biotechnology


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