Springer Nature
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Additional file 8: Figure S7. of Modeling HIV-HCV coinfection epidemiology in the direct-acting antiviral era: the road to elimination

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-12-18, 05:00 authored by Victor Virlogeux, Fabien Zoulim, Pascal Pugliese, Isabelle Poizot-Martin, Marc-Antoine Valantin, Lise Cuzin, Jacques Reynes, Eric Billaud, Thomas Huleux, Firouze Bani-Sadr, David Rey, Anne Frésard, Christine Jacomet, Claudine Duvivier, Antoine Cheret, Laurent Hustache-Mathieu, Bruno Hoen, André Cabié, Laurent Cotte
Projected prevalence of HIV-HCV coinfections over the next 10 years in IVDU considering a potential risk of HCV transmission between HIV-negative and HIV-positive individuals. (PDF 153 kb)
