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Additional file 7 of Response and oil degradation activities of a northeast Atlantic bacterial community to biogenic and synthetic surfactants

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-22, 03:27 authored by Christina N. Nikolova, Umer Zeeshan Ijaz, Clayton Magill, Sara Kleindienst, Samantha B. Joye, Tony Gutierrez
Additional file 6: Supplementary Figure S3. Differential heat trees showing the key (significant) differential taxa (DESeq2; Wilcoxon p-value test adjusted with multiple comparison) in seawater-only control treatment (SW). The top 3 subsets with the highest correlation with the full ASV table considering Bray-Curtis distance (PERMANOVA) are listed for each treatment. The grey tree is the taxonomy key for the smaller unlabelled coloured trees. The colour of each taxon represents the log-10 ratio of median proportions of reads observed in each treatment. The size of tree nodes shows the number of ASVs (here labelled as OTUs) present in each sample.


Natural Environment Research Council German Research Foundation
