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Additional file 7: of Maternal and fetal predictors of fetal viral load and death in third trimester, type 2 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infected pregnant gilts

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-09-25, 05:00 authored by Andrea Ladinig, Carolyn Ashley, Susan Detmer, Jamie Wilkinson, Joan Lunney, Graham Plastow, John Harding
Gilt and fetal level factors associated with fetal preservation category in type 2 PRRSV inoculated third trimester pregnant gilts. Variables included in the unconditional, full and final partial proportional odds models to investigate factors associated with fetal preservation category are listed; factors were measured at the gilt or fetal level; only factors significantly associated with the odds of fetal death or PRRS viral load in fetal thymus were included.


Genome Canada
