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Additional file 7 of CGGBP1-regulated cytosine methylation at CTCF-binding motifs resists stochasticity

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-07-30, 06:18 authored by Manthan Patel, Divyesh Patel, Subhamoy Datta, Umashankar Singh
Additional file 7. The MeDIP reads distribution for HEK293T CT and KD at low methylation signal bins (1 to 4): Lower methylation signal bins account for a major fraction of MeDIP reads. The frequency of the MeDIP reads for these bins with less than 5 methylation read signals were calculated separately from those in the range 5–30.


Science and Engineering Research Board Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission Department of Biotechnology , Ministry of Science and Technology Biomedical Engineering Centre IIT Gandhinagar DST-ICPS
