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Additional file 7: of A MAGIC population-based genome-wide association study reveals functional association of GhRBB1_A07 gene with superior fiber quality in cotton

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-11-09, 05:00 authored by Md Islam, Gregory Thyssen, Johnie Jenkins, Linghe Zeng, Christopher Delhom, Jack McCarty, Dewayne Deng, Doug Hinchliffe, Don Jones, David Fang
Title: Polymorphic SNP and SSR marker distribution across the TM-1 genome. The length of X axis for all chromosomes is based on the highest physical length chromosome for the respective sub-genome. Description of data: GBS based SNP and SSR markers distributions per 1 Mb across TM-1 draft genome are shown in this figure. (DOCX 49 kb)


