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Additional file 7: Figure S6. of Evolutionary origin of type IV classical cadherins in arthropods

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-06-17, 05:00 authored by Mizuki Sasaki, Yasuko Akiyama-Oda, Hiroki Oda
Comparison of the exon-intron organizations of type IVa, type IVb and type III cadherin genes. Alignment of the amino acid sequences of the EC1-EC6 region of type IVa cadherins, the EC1-EC8 region of type IVb cadherins, and the EC6-EC13 region of type III cadherins was produced using the ClustalW algorithm without manual adjustment. The classical cadherins shown are DE-, Dp1-, Ea1-, Le1-, Ha1-, Ph1-, Pt1-, Sm2-, Cm-, Le2-, and DN-cadherins. The EC domains for type IVa, type IVb, and type III cadherin are indicated above the DE-, Le1- and, Pt1-cadherin sequence, respectively. Blue lines with breakages indicate exons, and the breaking points indicate intron insertion sites revealed by comparisons with the corresponding genomic sequences. (PDF 1348 kb)


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
