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Additional file 6: of Transcriptome analysis of the Holly mangrove Acanthus ilicifolius and its terrestrial relative, Acanthus leucostachyus, provides insights into adaptation to intertidal zones

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-08-14, 05:00 authored by Yuchen Yang, Shuhuan Yang, Jianfang Li, Yunfei Deng, Zhang Zhang, Shaohua Xu, Wuxia Guo, Cairong Zhong, Renchao Zhou, Suhua Shi
GO distribution of the 99 candidate positively selected genes (PSGs) and FPKM of 23 stress-responsive genes in Acanthus ilicifolius. a GO distribution of the 99 candidate PSGs in Acanthus ilicifolius. b FPKM of the 23 PSGs involved in salt, high temperature and UV stress tolerance and seedling germination and embryo development for A. ilicifolius (red) and A. leucostachyus (blue). Red double asterisks indicate the transcript expression in A. ilicifolius is higher than that in A. leucostachyus with p-value less than 0.01, while blue double asterisks indicate the transcript expression in A. ilicifolius is less than A. leucostachyus with p-value less than 0.01. (PDF 483 kb)
