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Additional file 6: of Monocyte infiltration rather than microglia proliferation dominates the early immune response to rapid photoreceptor degeneration

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-12-15, 05:00 authored by Sarah Karlen, Eric Miller, Xinlei Wang, Emily Levine, Robert Zawadzki, Marie Burns
Table S1. Changes in chemokine expression after 12 h of light exposure. A 40-chemokine array was used to screen for cytokine expression in degenerating Arr1−/− retinas after 12 h of light exposure. Very few cytokines showed any appreciable change compared to dark-reared WT controls. The most dramatic was CCL2, which showed a 5.3-fold increase. Relative expression levels were calculated as light-exposure divided by dark reared for each group, then averaged across runs. A value of 1 indicates no change; shades of red are greater than 1.5, and shades of blue are less than 0.6. (DOCX 15 kb)


National Eye Institute
