Springer Nature
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Additional file 6 of Characterisation of the transcriptome and proteome of SARS-CoV-2 reveals a cell passage induced in-frame deletion of the furin-like cleavage site from the spike glycoprotein

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-07-29, 04:32 authored by Andrew D. Davidson, Maia Kavanagh Williamson, Sebastian Lewis, Deborah Shoemark, Miles W. Carroll, Kate J. Heesom, Maria Zambon, Joanna Ellis, Philip A. Lewis, Julian A. Hiscox, David A. Matthews
Additional file 6: Figures S1 and S2. Supplementary figures detailing in Figure S1 the location of deletions in other reported direct RNAseq data and in Figure S2 the MS/MS spectra for the peptide unique to the furing cleavage site deletion variant.


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council U.S. Food and Drug Administration
