Springer Nature
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Additional file 5: of Postovulatory maternal transcriptome in Atlantic salmon and its relation to developmental potential of embryos

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-04-24, 05:00 authored by Teshome Bizuayehu, Maren Mommens, Arvind Sundaram, Anusha Dhanasiri, Igor Babiak
Cluster dendrogram for differentially abundant mRNAs in Atlantic salmon eggs from good versus poor egg quality groups, over the course of postovulatory retention period. The uncertainty in hierarchical cluster analysis was performed by pvclust using average distance method in R statistical package. P-values of clusters are assigned for each branch. The red is approximately unbiased (AU), the green is bootstrap probability (BP); 10,000 bootstrap iterations were used. (PDF 116 kb)


