Springer Nature
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Additional file 5: of Post-mortem histopathology underlying β-amyloid PET imaging following flutemetamol F 18 injection

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-12-12, 05:00 authored by Milos Ikonomovic, Chris Buckley, Kerstin Heurling, Paul Sherwin, Paul Jones, Michelle Zanette, Chester Mathis, William Klunk, Aruna Chakrabarty, James Ironside, Azzam Ismail, Colin Smith, Dietmar Thal, Thomas Beach, Gill Farrar, Adrian Smith
Clinical Status of subjects at PET Scan. Spontaneously recorded clinical notes captured at the time of PET scan. The PET category provided reflects PET majority image assessment against pathology dichotomy normal/abnormal by mCERADSOT. (DOC 155 kb)


GE Healthcare
