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Additional file 5 of Integration of metabolic and inflammatory mediator profiles as a potential prognostic approach for septic shock in the intensive care unit

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-03, 03:41 authored by Beata Mickiewicz, Patrick Tam, Craig N Jenne, Caroline Leger, Josee Wong, Brent W Winston, Christopher Doig, Paul Kubes, Hans J Vogel
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves plotted with a decimal logarithmic scale for the horizontal axes. The ROC plots for (A) septic shock patients vs. ICU controls and (B) septic shock nonsurvivors vs. septic shock survivors models based on the metabolomics data, cytokine/chemokine data and the combined dataset (metabolites together with inflammatory mediators), APACHE (acute physiology and chronic health evaluation) and SOFA (sequential organ failure assessment) scores. Black line - fit line, red dashed line - the chance curve (that is the diagonal of the ROC curve when plotted in linear scale).
