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Additional file 5 of Evaluation of saliva self-collection devices for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-03-26, 04:26 authored by Orchid M. Allicock, Mary E. Petrone, Devyn Yolda-Carr, Mallery Breban, Hannah Walsh, Anne E. Watkins, Jessica E. Rothman, Shelli F. Farhadian, Nathan D. Grubaugh, Anne L. Wyllie
Additional file 5: Figure S5. Responses to laboratory survey for at-home collection. Mean and standard deviation are marked in pink. P-values are shown for questions that could be assessed using Mann–Whitney. For L6, samples outside of the unacceptable Ct range (Ct > 35) is highlighted in gray. F = funnel, B = bulb pipette.


Yale Center for Clinical Investigation, Yale School of Medicine Tempus Labs Fast Grants
