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Additional file 5 of Distinct phenotypes of cancer cells on tissue matrix gel

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-08-01, 07:11 authored by Kelsey F. Ruud, William C. Hiscox, Ilhan Yu, Roland K. Chen, Weimin Li
Additional file 5: Figure S5. NMR spectrum of a representative medium background control sample. (A) The full spectrum of 1× RPMI 1640 medium containing 1 g/l of 13C6-labeled D-glucose that was used in the cultures of the HUMEC and MM231 cells. The spectrum of the − 3.0 – 13.0 ppm region was exhibited. (B) The vertical expansion of the view in (A) to show the background peaks derived from the culture medium per se. (C) The horizontal expansion of the 0.0–3.0 ppm region of the (A) panel where the major changes of the cell metabolites within the culture media were demonstrated in the main figures. (D) The horizontal expansion of the 3.0–6.0 ppm region of the (A) panel.


Washington State University
