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Additional file 5: Table S3. of Peripheral blood methylation profiling of female Crohn’s disease patients

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-06-08, 05:00 authored by Andrew Li Yim, Nicolette Duijvis, Jing Zhao, Wouter de Jonge, Geert D’Haens, Marcel Mannens, Adri Mul, Anje te Velde, Peter Henneman
DMP-distribution statistics per chromosome. Results are ordered by the first Fisher test (left three columns), which tests for differences in DMP-distribution per chromosome, and the second Fisher test (right three columns), which tests for differences in the distribution of the hypo-/hypermethylated DMPs. Statistics provided are the odds ratios with the 95 % confidence intervals (“OR (CI-95)”), the p values and the Bonferroni-adjusted p values. (DOCX 98 kb)


