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Additional file 5: Table S1. of Change in cardiac output during Trendelenburg maneuver is a reliable predictor of fluid responsiveness in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome in the prone position under protective ventilation

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-12-05, 05:00 authored by Hodane Yonis, Laurent Bitker, Mylène Aublanc, Sophie Perinel Ragey, Zakaria Riad, Floriane Lissonde, Aurore Louf-Durier, Sophie Debord, Florent Gobert, Romain Tapponnier, Claude Guérin, Jean-Christophe Richard
Diagnostic performance of end-expiratory occlusion to predict fluid responsiveness as a function of change in CVP (ΔCVP) during the test as compared to baseline. (DOCX 14 kb)
