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Additional file 4 of Streptococcus suis serotype 2 enolase interaction with host brain microvascular endothelial cells and RPSA-induced apoptosis lead to loss of BBB integrity

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-23, 05:14 authored by Hongtao Liu, Siyu Lei, Li Jia, Xiaojing Xia, Yingying Sun, Hexiang Jiang, Rining Zhu, Shuguang Li, Guanggang Qu, Jingmin Gu, Changjiang Sun, Xin Feng, Wenyu Han, Paul R. Langford, Liancheng Lei
Screening of the signalling pathway(s) activated by Eno-RPSA interaction based on proteomics analysis. A Cytoplasmic phosphorylated proteomics analysis of Eno-stimulated PBMEC for 24 h; B Nuclear proteomics analysis of Eno-stimulated PBMEC for 24 h. EIF4A2, EIF4E2, and EIF3J, the EIF family proteins, were increased in Eno-treated PBMECs (indicated as red) compared with the untreated PBMEC control (indicated as grey).


National Key R&D Program of China Biotechnlogy and Biological Research Sciences Research Council
