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Additional file 4 of Reduced B12 uptake and increased gastrointestinal formate are associated with archaeome-mediated breath methane emission in humans

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-25, 03:25 authored by Christina Kumpitsch, Florian Ph. S. Fischmeister, Alexander Mahnert, Sonja Lackner, Marilena Wilding, Corina Sturm, Anna Springer, Tobias Madl, Sandra Holasek, Christoph Högenauer, Ivan A. Berg, Veronika Schoepf, Christine Moissl-Eichinger
Additional file 3: Supplementary Items 6-13. Supplementary Item 6. Heatmap of amino acid flux predictions according to MICOM (universal primer: 515F-806R; n=30). Supplementary Item 7. Heatmap of C1-C4 flux predictions according to MICOM (universal primer: 515F-806R; n=30). Supplementary Item 8. Heatmap of complex compound flux predictions according to MICOM (universal primer: 515F-806R; n=30). Supplementary Item 9. Heatmap of fat flux predictions according to MICOM (universal primer: 515F-806R; n=30). Supplementary Item 10. Heatmap of nucleotide flux predictions according to MICOM (universal primer: 515F-806R; n=30). Supplementary Item 11. Heatmap of other metabolite flux predictions according to MICOM (universal primer: 515F-806R; n=30). Supplementary Item 12. Heatmap of sugar flux predictions according to MICOM (universal primer: 515F-806R; n=30). Supplementary Item 13. Heatmap of vitamine flux predictions according to MICOM (universal primer: 515F-806R; n=30).


Austrian Science Fund
