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Additional file 4 of Microglial inclusions and neurofilament light chain release follow neuronal α-synuclein lesions in long-term brain slice cultures

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-12, 04:00 authored by Melanie Barth, Mehtap Bacioglu, Niklas Schwarz, Renata Novotny, Janine Brandes, Marc Welzer, Sonia Mazzitelli, Lisa M. Häsler, Manuel Schweighauser, Thomas V. Wuttke, Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg, Karina Fog, Malene Ambjørn, Ania Alik, Ronald Melki, Philipp J. Kahle, Derya R. Shimshek, Henner Koch, Mathias Jucker, Gaye Tanriöver
Additional file 4: Supplementary Fig. 4. Time course of seeded αS aggregation in Thy1-h[A53T]αS tg mice. (A, B) Immunohistochemistry for pS129 (black) of DG from Thy1-h[A53T]αS tg mice injected at 3–4 months of age with Thy1-h[A53T]αS tg brain homogenate (A) or wt brain homogenate (B) at one day post-injection (dpi), 7 dpi or 30 dpi. For each group, three mice were used. Sections were counter stained using nuclear fast red. Note that the same brain homogenates were used for slice culture experiments. (A) First inclusions appeared around 7 dpi in all three mice and became more abundant by 30 dpi. (B) In contrast, no inclusions were found in wt brain homogenate-treated mice at any time point analysed. Scale bar represents 100 μm.


Innovative Medicines Initiative Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (8868)
