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Additional file 4 of Integration of metabolic and inflammatory mediator profiles as a potential prognostic approach for septic shock in the intensive care unit

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-03, 03:41 authored by Beata Mickiewicz, Patrick Tam, Craig N Jenne, Caroline Leger, Josee Wong, Brent W Winston, Christopher Doig, Paul Kubes, Hans J Vogel
The OPLS-DA regression coefficient plot. Positive values of coefficients (the upper part of the diagram) indicates increased metabolite or inflammatory mediator concentrations in septic shock nonsurvivor samples while negative values (the lower part of diagram) present a decrease in metabolite or inflammatory mediator concentrations, as compared to the age-sex-matched septic shock survivors. Only significant metabolites are shown (P <0.05, two-sample t test).
