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Additional file 4: of Genome analysis of E. coli isolated from Crohn’s disease patients

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-07-19, 05:00 authored by Daria Rakitina, Alexander Manolov, Alexandra Kanygina, Sofya Garushyants, Julia Baikova, Dmitry Alexeev, Valentina Ladygina, Elena Kostryukova, Andrei Larin, Tatiana Semashko, Irina Karpova, Vladislav Babenko, Ruzilya Ismagilova, Sergei Malanin, Mikhail Gelfand, Elena Ilina, Roman Gorodnichev, Eugenia Lisitsyna, Gennady Aleshkin, Petr Scherbakov, Igor Khalif, Marina Shapina, Igor Maev, Dmitry Andreev, Vadim Govorun
(A) Mauve alignment of CD-E. coli isolates from one patient (alignment made for RCE01, RCE02, RCE03, RCE03 and RCE06). (B) Heatmap of the phylogenetic distance between E. coli strains. Distances between strains are calculated as the median distance of core genes (see Methods). Phylogroups of E. coli are designated (A, B1, E, B2, D, F). RCE03 is not shown because of its low similarity to other E. coli strains. (DOC 4350 kb)


Russian Science Foundation
